Spring Luncheon Sign-up Deadline has been EXTENDED to May 9, 2017.
Senior Scholarship Recital & Spring Luncheon
2017 Scholarship Winner:
Liberty Forster
Teacher: Dorothy Su-Chu
Performing Instrument: Piano and Voice
Personal Bio:
Liberty Forster, a senior at Irvington High School, grew up surrounded by music. Not only is her mother a piano teacher and MTAC member, but so is her godmother. Liberty started learning piano at the age of five and has been dedicated ever since. She takes the Certificate of Merit testing yearly for piano and voice, has performed at several MTAC Honors and Convention Festivals, and this year will be a Panel Honors recitalist for piano and an Honors and Convention recitalist for voice. She has won events at the United States Open Music Competition, winning four firsts, two seconds, two thirds, and a fourth, and has attended the International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM) and the California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) as a pianist. Her love of music has only grown and branched out over the years. Besides piano, she loves singing in choirs, joining every available school choir since the seventh grade and performing and soloing with the American Choral Directors’ Association Regional and All-State Honor Choirs since 2014.
Liberty plans to follow this path into college and then go on to become a college professor in music. She has been accepted to the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, SMTD at the University of Michigan, UCLA, and UCSB, though she still hasn’t decided which college to attend. She hopes that her future will be filled with new experiences, new friends, fun and, most of all, lots of music